Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Davids 17th Birthday Hang.

Aug,10th, 2013 - Davids 17th Birthday!

I got to spend a day with my best friend on his birthday & here's what we did.
I bough him his cupcake cake that he wanted ! at 7am (some real shit right there)
We went to walgreens & bought lil kids drinks haha! did some filming in there.

After that we went to funplex which I've never been in ! but now I have
did more filming there. We picked up Amy & headed to TRACK 21.
Did some laser tagging which NEVER AGAIN cause it was just NO.

My boyfriend met us up there to play along! There was some awk vibes.
but it was still pretty decent. We went to eat at Chipotle which I didn't seem appetizing.
We hanged out at Starbucks & just sat there/ 

It was fun over all ! glad I got to spend another year with my bff.
Because who knows what the next year will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had fun! and great pics. Please check out my blog, I think it would be great to follow each other!

